I ching and yin and yang symbol
I ching and yin and yang symbol

i ching and yin and yang symbol

Opposite of that try a few slices of cool watermelon and it can help you feel instantly hydrated and chilled in a hot summer day.


For example, Chrysanthemum and Goji berry tea is a wonderful pair full of balanced nutrient and YinYang energies.Ī good way to test if an ingredient has Yin or Yang or even more neutral energy is after consuming it how does it make you feel? Are you dripping in sweats? A big hot bowl of ginger soup can have that effect. If you are someone who is neither cold or hot you can mix cooling and warming foods together to create a harmonious dish or beverage to enjoy. If you're someone who is always hot try Chrysanthemum which has a cooling Yin energy. If you're someone who is always cold (Yin) you may consider enjoying Ginger or goji berries more often. To self care and maintain good health we first must be aware of our exterior Yin and Yang and how they can affect us internally.įor example, in the warmer months such as summer it's better for us to consume cooling items such as cucumber and watermelon as their energy is Yin (cooling) vs Ginger is Yang (warming). Our well-being is also effected through out the day, month, season and years. One mood never lasts forever, it is always altering and becoming. Our moods change constantly, from good to bad and everything in between. You can see Yin Yang in our moods, in our body, and in our health. You can also see this perpetual balancing at work in a shorter time frame when a thunderstorm clears the air of an unusually hot and humid summer day. You can see the Yin Yang theory in the changing of the seasons too: the cold winter becomes the warm spring and hot summer, then gradually turns cool in fall to become winter once again. This means the dynamic flow happens automatically and continuously balances and rebalances these energies. When things are in balance, they are in perfect harmony as a whole. More than just Balance which is most widely understood with the Yin Yang symbol Yin Yang is actually more about harmony. While at night the sun still exists and vice versa during the day the moon still exists within. And day becomes night, and night becomes day. Both create a totality, a complete whole. Night looks and is very different than day, yet it is impossible to have one without the other. In the Yin Yang symbol the middle line between the large black and white portion is not a straight line is to indicate life and the universe is made up of ever changing energy, always moving towards one other transforming into one another.Īnother great example is night and day which forms a Yin-Yang pair. Just like each event in our day to day could be good or bad, but there is always the opposite within that event whether one realizes or not. No matter where you bisect the diameter of the whole circle, each half will always contain some Yin and some Yang. The small dots within each of the two energies (represented by black and white) symbolize that there is always some Yin (black) within Yang (white) and vice versa. Yin and Yang cannot exist without each other they are never separate. This inseparable, interpenetrating, and interchangeable relationship is reflected in the form of the Yin-Yang symbol. Everything in the universe contains Yin and Yang and can be explained through the Yin Yang theory. They represent opposites yet complementary energies. Yang means light or sun (it's the white portion in the symbol).

i ching and yin and yang symbol i ching and yin and yang symbol

Yin means dark or shadow (it's the black portion in the symbol). in China to the I Ching ( The Book of Changes). The Yin Yang symbol and theory has a long history that dates back to 700 B.C.E.

I ching and yin and yang symbol